Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Cheer Leading Isn't so Easy!

Some people say cheer leading isn't a sport and it is easy. Well it's not easy! You have to do a lot. They need to know how to do round offs, front and back handsprings, and much more. Tumbling sometimes takes years of training.

All cheer leaders go through lots of pain. They experience sore arms and legs from so much practice! They also run the risk of broken bones because the sport is so hard on the body. Cheerleaders need to wear their hair up in a pony tail. My friend Regan once told me that she got a stiff neck from lots of hair spray!

So next time you go to comment on cheer leading, give it some thought. Don't say, "oh cheer leading isn't a sport." Also don't say that the sport is easy because it is not!


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