Monday, April 11, 2011

Why Are Spiders So Creepy to People?

Why do some people think spiders are kinda creepy? Is it their multiple eyes? Or maybe their abdomen ( The sack on the spiders back!)? It could be too, their eight legs. Maybe even the way they crawl on the ground.

Some spiders are poisonous! That's why I don't like spiders too much! Have you seen a spider web that is in a circle, that spider who made the web is called an Orb Spider! You know not all spiders make webs! Like the Trap Door Spider! It hides under mostly leafs. When food is outside of his door, he opens his shelter lid and..... snatches the pray! That is all for now you will have to wait for the next post about who knows what!



  1. I just couldn't put pictures up! It gave me goosebumps!

  2. G, I love your blog. Can't wait to read more.
